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As we stagger into 2025 I am aware of not posting on this blog for a whole year. 2024 was, for me, a hugely busy year internally and externally, and it seemed to grab my attention and not let up.

Difficult illnesses in my family and friends took a great deal of energy, plus work and the endless small challenges of life.

One thing which is constantly being made clear is that everything changes, nothing stays the same forever. However much we know this fact in our minds, when change comes it can throw our sense of self and any stability we appear to have created. Meeting change is one of the deepest challenges we face as humans because the brain and the nervous system crave stability, security and a sense of being in charge of our lives.

The beauty of change, however, is that it urges us to be present and keep questioning and learning. Change is painful if we resist, and it is in looking at that within us which resists which teaches us the most. The actual change is driven by the intelligence of life, and however much we may dislike the ‘new’, we know that that too will change in time.

We think we know what is best for us, and that life is an endless road to find happiness or fulfilment. We inwardly compare and analyse how well we are doing in this and in turn this comparison sets up judgement and conflict when things don’t seem to flow.

Perhaps life is not about that at all. Perhaps we are here to learn how to move beyond judgement and conflict to a place of acceptance and peace, to a feeling of love rather than happiness. It is actually that love which we confuse with happiness and once we have found it we know we have come home inwardly. Then the endless changing world can continue in its flux and we no longer hold on and try to control it.

Therefore in meeting resistance to change inwardly, which is hard and demands all our attention, we learn about ourselves and the human condition. It is not about creating a state of detachment, it is galvanising all our energy to be IN the change, meeting life where it is taking us and seeing the limitations of our preconditions and ideas about ourselves. Once we see the resistance up close and know that this is the root of fear or pain or anger, we can allow that emotion to flower and die through us. Only then can we be silent and present with ourselves and life and come across the immensity of love.

This is true on the world stage too, where the ground under our feet seems to be shifting in ways which are deeply unsettling and confusing. Nothing is certain anymore, especially as we enter an age of post-truth.

But seen from the perspective of inner love, time opens its constraints and history shows us that we have been here before, the pendulum of change keeps swinging and we can only accept the challenge of change with the equanimity of love.


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